Friday, March 28, 2014

Parenting in FAITH not FEAR (Teach Them Diligently Blog)

   I recently had the privilege of attending the Teach Them Diligently Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.  While I was there, God transformed my heart.  I was able to let go of old habits, throw away old fears, break old strongholds and bust old standards. 
     Nearly the entire time we were there, Holy Spirit worked on us, challenged us, transformed us, enlightened us and changed us.  From the way I teach history to the way I cook dinner, every aspect of homeschooling and homemaking was challenged.  God opened doors, closets and treasure chests for us and we are so grateful and overwhelmed by His goodness and His plan for our family that we’ve almost been unable to communicate it. 
     In an effort to share a little of what God taught me, I want to share a few notes, quotes and scribbles that my Father wrote on my heart.  I’ll share from one speaker or theme at a time, so make sure you read them all!



Parenting by Faith, Not Fear

Fear is a spirit that will torment you, manipulate you and drain you.

1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.”

2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear.”

Worry is the opposite of faith.  It’s a choice.  You can’t choose them both.

Take authority over the spirit of fear.  Don’t be afraid to release your children to God!


Don’t forget it’s a spiritual battle. 

Let go of your fear of man.

There’s a difference in being alive and living.  (Francis Chan/Balance Beam video)


Job 3:25 “What I had feared has come upon me.”

Trust God’s Word to preserve your children.  (But you have to give it to them!)


Hebrews 11:6 “He who comes to God MUST BELIEVE that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him!”

Jude 1:24 “Now all glory to God, who IS ABLE to keep you from falling away and WILL bring you with great joy into His glorious presence!”

God’s Word is SOLID ROCK.  When fear starts creeping in, go to the Word and stand in faith, boldly proclaiming the truth!

Replace the world’s lies.  Constantly remind yourself that God’s Word will preserve your children.  Release them, daily, into God’s hand. 

Let your kids see you trust God. 

Freebie:  21% of family income in the Old Testament was spent on PARTIES.  Relax.  Enjoy life.  Quit being a baby.  LIVE!

-Ann and Jon Dunagan ‘Parenting by FAITH not FEAR!’

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